
domingo, 27 de abril de 2008

Bats, Rain Forest and reforestation

Morcegos, Florestas Tropicais e Reflorestamento

See too: My garden and its visitors - Bats

Rain Forests have been destroyed in order to grow cattle farmers, agribusiness and urban activities. Conservation strategies understand the tropical ecosystems depend on bats for their reforestation as they are important seed dispersing animals in Tropical Rain Forests. Bats are more important than birds as primary pollinators of many tropical plants. Several economic products depend on bats pollinator as peach, banana, manufactured and industrial products. Pollination, seed dispersal and maintenance of genetic strains of wild progenitors depend on bats activities.

Otherwise, bats depredation on picking fruits, vampire bats and some other stories will not damage the positive bats activities.

Photo: ramosforest ©

4 comentários:

Madalena Barranco disse...

Olá querido Luiz,o morceguinho ficou muito bem na foto. Seu jardim é conhecido pelas diversas espécies da fauna e da flora, e por sinal, muito bem freqüentado. Beijos e uma linda semana para você.

♥ Denise BC ♥ disse...

Então com visitantes noturnos, hein!
O morcego parece bem satisfeito em seu jardim.
Denise BC

Marcos Santos disse...

Legal Luiz!

Cê conseguiu pegar o bicho no flagra.
Ele deve ter ficado doidinho com o flash.

Anônimo disse...

Over 20 years ago we had bats in our neighbourhood. Every evening I watched the bats flying across the sky. The City of Toronto sprayed pestizides in our park because a mosquito infestation. Well the bats are gone.
Another excample of careless city management.


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